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불어라 미풍아 방영안함

(Blow Breeze)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


리뷰 남기기


왈가닥 탈북녀 '미풍'과 서울 촌놈 인권변호사 '장고'가 천억 원대 유산 상속 등을 둘러싼 갈등을 극복해가며 진정한 사랑과 소중한 가족을 찾아가는 이야기.
제작 노트
Seung-hee was enjoying a comfortable life in Pyeongyang, North Korea, as she was a well-known dancer and thus had become a respected member of high society. But one day, upon coming back home, her father anxiously ordered her to pack her bags at once. She didn’t know it yet at that time, but she was about to defect to the South. When she finally reached Seoul, she had lost most of her family and barely had enough to live. But that wasn’t enough to let despair get the better of her. She changed her name to Mi-pung and started a new life. But her reversal of fortune is right around the corner: a rich old man who knows his days are numbered is looking for a heir and realizes he had a son in the person of Seung-hee’s father…

포토 (3)

배우와 스탭



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