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육룡이 나르샤 방영안함

(Six Flying Dragons)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


리뷰 남기기


'고려'라는 거악(巨惡)에 대항하여 고려를 끝장내기 위해 몸을 일으킨 여섯 인물의 이야기이며 그들의 화끈한 성공스토리
제작 노트
The six heroes who put an end to the Koryeo Kingdom had all agreed on getting one of them, Yi Seong-gye, to the throne. But once this new dynasty established, their respective ambitions come back to the forefront. Each one of them has their own idea on who should succeed to the King and how the kingdom should be ruled. While these dissentions have already raised tension between them, the power struggle suddenly turns into a civil war when the second son of the King decides to start a revolt.